Water in the forest. Foto: Michael Ekstrand

Join a training course

Are you interested in Riparian forests, Drainage systems or Beaver dams? Then you are very welcome to a one-day training course arranged in Sweden, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania or Poland during 2018!

The courses are especially interesting for forest enterprises, forest owners, entrepreneurs, hunters and journalists. You will learn about:

  • New maps showing wet areas in the forest, useful e.g. for forest machines
  • An application for smartphones about maintenance of drainage systems
  • The “Blue targeting” tool, classifying the riparian forests
  • A “Beaver tool”, classifying beaver dams
  • And more

The training courses are held mainly outdoors, at demonstration areas established within the WAMBAF project.

The aim of the courses is to demonstrate the use of water protection methods and planning tools in management of riparian forest, drainage systems and beaver dams to avoid leaching of nutrients and methyl mercury to streams, lakes and the sea. 

They will be held in the project area during the period of June-November. Below is a list of the planned training courses. Some have already been held, like the one in Sundsvall, Sweden in May, where the beaver demo area was presented. There, the beaver tool developed in the project, was tested by beaver experts from all over the world.

Country Topic Location Time
Finland Drainage and riparian zones Oulu Vengasoja September
Finland Drainage and riparian zones Vengasoja September
Finland Drainage and riparian zones Vengasoja September
Finland Drainage and water protection North Carelia September 13th
Finland Riparian forests Central Finland, Jyväskylä August 30th
Latvia Drainage Kalsnava August
Latvia Beaver management Kalsnava September
Latvia Beaver management Kalsnava September
Lithuania Beaver management Plateliai October/ November
Lithuania Beaver management Kretinga October/ November
Lithuania Beaver and Riparian forests Plateliai October/ November
Lithuania Beaver and Riparian forests Kretinga October/ November
Lithuania Beaver and Drainage system Plateliai October/ November
Lithuania Beaver + Drainage system Kretinga October/ November
Sweden Beaver Torringen/Sundsvall October 3rd
Sweden Drainage Systems Osby October 23rd
Sweden Riparian Forests and Buffer Zones Osby October 25th

Please contact daniel.thorell@skogsstyrelsen.se or linnea.jagrud@skogsstyrelsen.se for more information.

Our website will be updated regularly with time and place for all training courses.

  • Last Updated: 9/6/2018