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Felling in Sweden decreased in 2023 and amounted to just under 90 million cubic meters standing volume according to preliminary statistics from the Swedish Forest Agency. The decline means that the trend in recent years of high felling levels was broken in 2023. The level is the lowest since 2016.
1.3 million hectares of forest land were voluntary set-asides during 2023 and the certified area was 14.7 million hectares. Both voluntary set-asides and certified area decreased marginally since 2022, according to the Swedish Forest Agency’s statistics.
The latest statistics from the Swedish Forest Agency show that the area notified for felling in April increased 13 percent, compared to April 2023. The area regarding applications for permits for final felling in montane forests decreased 10 percent compared to the same month last year.
Stocks of softwood sawlogs on 31 March 2024 were 10 percent higher compared to the same quarter last year, according to the Swedish Forest Agency's inventory survey. By contrast, stocks of pulpwood decreased by 7 percent.
The roundwood prices on delivery timber increased for both sawlog and pulpwood during the first quarter of 2024 in comparison with the fourth quarter of 2023. The sawlog price increased by 8 percent and pulpwood by 3 percent.
In 2023, 431 million seedlings were delivered, which is an increase of 9 million (2 percent) compared to 2022. It is however 21 million seedlings less than the peak year 2021.
The latest statistics from the Swedish Forest Agency show that the area notified for felling in March decreased 13 percent, compared to March 2023. The area regarding applications for permits for final felling in montane forests decreased to barely one twelfth, compared to the same month last year.
New statistics from the Swedish Forest Agency show that the average area per holding owned by Swedish forest owners has increased from 30 hectares in 1999 to 34 hectares in 2023. The median has decreased from 13 to 11 hectares during the same period.
In 2023, the Swedish Forest Agency received notifications for final felling according to Section 14 of the Forestry Act, on 242,216 hectares of productive forest land. This is an increase of 6 percent compared to 2022. Despite the increase in 2023, the notified area was lower than the average for the last ten years.
The latest statistics from the Swedish Forest Agency show that the area notified for felling in February decreased 25 percent, compared to February 2023. The area regarding applications for permits for final felling in montane forests decreased to barely one seventh, compared to the same month last year.